/BCO-DMO/CAMEO_Trophic_Position/bradley_AA_transp --sample eq 1101012-- Level 1

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#  From Bradley et al. 2015, doi: 10.1002/l1
# PI1</a>
# PI: Brian N. Popp (University of Hawaii)
# Co-PI: Jeffrey Drazen (University of Hawaii)
# Contact: Christina (UC Mer (UC Merced)
# Version: 14 August 2015
sample       species                       length  
1101012      Forcipiger_longirostris       14.5    
amino_acid       d15N_AA   stdev  
alanine          25.1      0.7    
glycine          2.6       1.0    
threonine        -20.1     0.8    
serine           3.3       0.6    
valine           22.0      nd     
leucine          20.1      0.5    
isoleucine       19.6      0.9    
proline          17.3      0.7    
aspartate        16.9      0.3    
methionine       19.3      0.8    
glutamate        19.3      0.2    
phenylalanine    2.1       0.7    
tyrosine         6.5       0.6    
lysine           1.7       0.8    
arginine         -4.7      0.3    
histidine        nd        nd